Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a couple new pictures

Not just a sprain...

Saw the orthopedic surgeon today and I don't just have a sprain I have an ankle fracture. Seems when I rolled my ankle the ligaments pulled and pulled away a piece of bone. Apparently it's better that than having the ligaments tear and require surgery. So I'm in a big ole boot for a couple weeks and then I can try the air cast/brace again and start some physical therapy. Fun fun fun!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ooops I did it again....

Go ahead and laugh, roll your eyes, etc (if I wasn't in so much pain I'd be laughing too)...but guess who got hurt again. I went to a country club for a christening party for the newest member of Joe's family yesturday. When we were leaving I tripped over a crack/uneven pavement in the handicapped parking lot and fell. Badly sprained my ankle, tore my knee all up, and whacked my head. I have to follow up with the orthopedic surgeon in a few days to have him review my films and verify nothing is broken and find out how long I have to wear the aircast and be on crutches. My mom wants to wrap me in bubble wrap to keep me from getting hurt anymore.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Guess you have to take the bad with the good...

First the good.....
For the fifth day in a row Miles has gone pee pee on the potty! Today after giving high fives he told me "I proud of self!" So far it's only once or twice a day and he's still going more in the pull-up than on the potty but considering the fact that he's not even 2 1/2 yet I think he's doing a super job. I don't want to rush him or place any pressure on him and I think letting him set the pace is the best way to go. I have a feeling it won't take him long to be diaper-free.

Now the not so good.....
My blood sugar has been bouncing around all over the place and the endocrinologist has decided to put me back on insulin full time which I kind of expected and I know it's for the best. What has me really upset is that she's also putting me back on Actos which caused me to gain over 40 pounds the last time I was on it. She says the blood sugar control is more important than the weight and trying to control my weight at this point is kinda like closing the barn door after the animals have escaped. So the 50+ pounds I've worked SOOOO hard to lose and keep off will most likely be piling back on. Talk about depressing. I just can't win. Between that, the constant pain I'm in, the frustration of not being able to do the things I want to do because of that, and the aggravation of not having any doctor LISTEN to me and understand what I'm going through has me feeling lost and depressed. Not even Miles telling me "mommy pretty" is enough to cheer me up these days.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potty time!

We had a major breakthrough today on the potty front. Not once but twice today Miles told me he had to go potty, sat on the big potty, and actually peed in the potty! Yay Miles! This is the first day we've had twice in one day and he's actually associating the fact that he has to go and that he should go on the potty. He was VERY proud of himself! I think this may be the beginning of full speed ahead potty training. Way to go Miles!

Monday, February 11, 2008

To train...or not to train....

Our little man can't decide if he wants to be a big boy or mommy's baby. Is it time to use the potty and wear big boy undies or stay in diapers? Miles swings between Mr. Independant who will FREAK if I even suggest helping him with something and heaven forbid I tell him he's not old enough to do something and being stuck to me like glue wanting me to do everything for him. He's still allowed to have his bink but only at naptime and bedtime. Well lately he's been sneaking it downstairs and popping it in his mouth when he thinks I'm not looking. I've seen him smuggle it downstairs in his pajama top sleeve or tucked in his waistband. I don't know if he senses that we're getting ready to get rid of it completely and he's getting as much of it as he can now or if he's just going through a phase where he needs the comfort it gives him. I guess it's tough being a toddler and being so frustrated. He's one smart cookie and he struggles daily with the battle between what he CAN do and what he THINKS he can do. He amazes the women on our cleaning team that come every two weeks with what he knows. They were quizzing him on his colors last week and he named every single one they asked. He can identify certain letters of the alphabet, he knows that CAT spells cat, he can help "read" some of his favorite books, and with help can rote count to 10 as well as being able to rational count up to 3 items. He's been speaking in full sentences lately and his vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every day. He has taken to mumbling lately and using his own words for things which I'm not super concerned with at this point because that seems like fairly normal behavior for his age. We took MamMom out to lunch last Friday and he was charming all the staff and patrons of the diner we went to, as he usually does whenever we go out. I took him to the bathroom for a quick diaper change and everyone was telling my mom how cute and smart he is and what a lucky grandma to have such a little doll for a grandson. I told my mother he was using his company manners and he isn't always that well behaved...lol. I'm hoping to snap some new pics of him in the next day or two and when I do I'll post some new ones.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Toddler Blues

I love my son but oh boy what a day we had today. It started off with him waking up around 3am and not going back to sleep. I finally had to put him in bed with me and snuggle him close and he finally settled in for the rest of his night's sleep and was out cold until Joe woke us up at 9am. Starting from wake up time at 9am his behavior was off the charts ALL DAY long! He's 2 and 2 year olds are not known for their spectacular listening skills. So I don't expect miracles in the listening department. But today he didn't listen AT ALL and in fact went out of his way to push my buttons and have the most horrible behavior ever. I have never been so frustrated in my life. After a day of being tackled, pounced, kicked, climbed, biffed, and bruised I wonder if I have the strength to make it through the tough times. Then he smiles at me or tells me he loves me and it's all worth it. He still sometimes likes to be cuddled and rocked at night and tonight he fell asleep in my arms. Looking down at that sweet little face I could see both the precious little baby he once was and the handsome little boy he's becoming. I know when he's in high school and getting ready for college I'll think back on the terrible two's and miss those times. Ok, so maybe I'll miss all the times except the terrible two's...lol.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Yuck...I hate being sick!

Well, I had planned to watch the Superbowl last night, not to mention my usual Sunday night shows on VH1. But 8pm rolled around and I was struggling to stay awake so I decided I'd do the smart thing and go to bed. I figured all my lack of sleep was catching up to me and I was just overtired. Then I woke up this morning with 101 fever. So much for just being overtired. Hopefully it's just the same bug Joe was sick with last week and not the beginning of another bad infection. Thankfully my husband is blessed with a great understaning boss who doesn't care if he works at home so Joe can be here to help with Miles and I can get some rest.