Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Sticky Situation

Ok, so as some know and some don't I spend my nights curled up in a chair with my feet on an ottoman. It's the only way my pain-filled body is able to get any sleep. Laying down is just not comfy and I can't sleep for very long if I lay down. So I'm zonked in my chair as usual this morning when Miles gets up and comes downstairs. Miles loves lollipops...specifically the little dum dum pops. We keep a bag of them in the car because typically the only place he's allowed to have them is in the car. I brought the bag in to refill it because it was running low and Miles got his hands on it when we were sleeping this morning. Most of what was left was the "mystery" flavor pops. Well apparently he wasn't overly fond of the flavors he discovered and when I woke up this morning there were once-licked lollipops all around my feet stuck to the ottoman. Nothing like waking up in the morning surrounded by sticky lollipops with a sticky faced son staring at you telling you the lollipops were yucky and asking for favorite flavors. Needless to say I wasn't inclined to go get him new lollipops at 8am, especially after waking up stuck to the castoffs all around me.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Being sick is NO fun...especially when your spouse is grouchy and your kiddo is sick too. As if a two year old isn't enough of a handful now we've got a sick and very moody two year old. Fun fun fun! I'm still trying to get a handle on all these mobility limitations I have now so getting sick is the last thing I wanted to deal with. Oh day at a time. Hopefully the meds knock out the infections asap and I can go back to my normal un-sick train wreck self. :) Hopefully I'm feeling better before my sleep study in a couple weeks. I'm not looking forward to a night in the hospital/sleep clinic but I am allowed to bring a book and dvd so at least I won't be laying there staring at the walls the whole time.

Miles has entered the "why?" stage...ackkk...I'm not ready for this! He was climbing up into the window today from the back of the couch and when I told him to get down he asked me why. When I replied "because I said so" he turned around and looked at me and said "but why you said so?" This one is gonna keep me on my toes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Ok, so the plan was to keep this blog up to date and now it seems I haven't posted anything in two months. So much for that Things have been a little crazy here the last couple months. Miles has been a toddler tornado and we've had our hands full. My health has been steadily deteriorating and I've been a bit preoccupied with that...hence the lack of postage for the last couple months. But here I am with some new info and pictures. Since my last post I turned 34...ick...and Joe and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. In a few days we'll be celebrating our 9 year anniversary as a couple. Time sure does fly by. Miles went to the doctor last month for his 2 1/2 year check-up and he's doing great. He's now 32 pounds, 37 1/2 inches long, and has completely outgrown size 3T clothes. He talks constantly and his vocabulary continues to grow daily. We enrolled him in nursery school and he'll be starting in the fall. He'll be going three mornings a week and he's already asking if he can go to school yet. Guess that's it for now but I do promise to try to keep the blog updated more often!